Ever heard of getting work done by third party or third person without too much interference from your side? that is nothing but the OUTSOURCING itself..!! In this Covid-19 pandemic, every governance/employer is implying the policy of ‘Working From Home’ for their employees. Now, if we look at the fact of working efficiency or the productiveness of the employees, the survey done by global work place analytics, 73% say that they are very successful working from home. Nowadays, Working from home & outsourcing is the latest love story in this pandemic era..!

Why Choose Outsourcing..?

Well, there are more dynamics to this question. But, if we simplify & shortlist some of the main reasons of outsourcing, then following reasons would top the list:-

  1. Labor & Operational Costs:- Some mid level companies (and also some multi-national level companies) choose to save their basic operational cost through outsourcing because of the fact that they can preserve some funding & invest the same into another aspect.
  2. Saving of Time & Effort:- When you have outsourced your work to someone who is very efficient, you save your own time & effort with respect to that work. Hence, you can utilize that time & invest into something that is helpful to grow your business.

Outsourcing Explained..!!

  1. Focus more on Core Competencies:- If your company has different verticals working in different domains, outsourcing gives you exclusive opportunity to increase the output of each domain by just implementing the perfect source. 
  2. Less Risks when Expanding or Scaling:- This is the main & important aspect of Outsourcing. Generally, there are lots of risks & indirect obstacles involved when you try to expand your business domestically or internationally. But, same risks are reduced through outsourcing. The main reason behind that is the experience & the trust you acquire with respect to the Outsourcing party.

IDSS Global:- The Face of the Outsourcing for Civil, Mechanical & Architectural Engineering Services

We at IDSS Global are involved in the outsourcing of Computer Aided Design (CAD) for the Civil, Mechanical & Architectural Engineering. Not only domestically but Internationally we have base of clients who provide outsourcing work to us continuously.

The Core Vision We have:-

  1. Trust & Healthy Relationship with Client:– We not only have strong foundation with client but we have their trust & surety of the work we do for them. 
  2. A Quick Turn-around time:- Indian time being ahead of the US & UK, there is always a buffer time for the client. Delivery being at the earliest, it gives client extra cushion to improvise the project.
  3. Quality Matters:- We at IDSS Global, not only deliver projects in the given time, but care is taken to give error free projects. A separate team is dedicated for the quality check & error free projects. 
  4. Direct Communication:- While we believe in written ideology, we are always open to receive inputs, suggestions & feedback through direct call with our clients. This gives us immense chance to continuously improve our tactics & eventually the output of the future projects.

“Outsourcing, information technology revolution, the access to India’s human resources, India’s pool of scientists. It will help American companies to become learner, meaner, more efficient, and they become more competitive, both in the United States and in the dealing with the rest of the world.” :- Manmohan Singh — Indian Economist and Politician

In this era of Global Pandemic, Outsourcing is the new normal & if you manage it perfectly, there is every chance for your company to reach at new heights & peaks. So Choose Outsourcing..Choose IDSS Global…!!